Saturday, May 28, 2005 

Good Day Sunshine

Today is a fantastic day and the start of my delayed long weekend!


Friday, May 13, 2005 

Good Friends

This week a good friend of mine was laid off from his job. This got me thinking a bit about the many friends we have in our life and how we categorize them, ignore them, abuse them, help them, hug them, laugh with them etc....

I am not the kind of person that has a huge circle of friends, how would I have time to write this blog if I did. But in thinking of those that I consider good friends, I was wondering how they became that way. What sets them apart from those that are just acquaintances.

I could not find one common thread that makes them all my friend. Some are work friends, some are home friends. Some I go for lunch with, some I hang out on weekends. Some are lifelong from when I was a kid, some I have known for just a couple of years. Some are my neighbors, and some live thousands of miles away. Some know my darkest secrets, some I know theirs.

Then I realized that maybe my friends are all my friend for their own reason and no two reason is the same because I need them all to be a part of a different aspect of my being.

Wow, now I am dizzy.

More on friends next time.........

Wednesday, May 04, 2005 

Good bye Meredith and Gretchen, you are where we all hope to be some day. Posted by Hello