Saturday, January 21, 2006 

Happy Anniversary to my blog

This week marks the one year anniversary of this blog. Al introduced me to this and after reading his for a few weeks I started my own. Sometimes I really struggle for stuff to write about and other times it comes easy. I am sure I have broken copy right laws and bored my non existent readership to death.

Despite this I shall trudge along into year 2 and hope for a revelation of wit, creative enlightenment and some readers.

If you are reading this thanks and see you soon in blog world!

Thursday, January 12, 2006 

Criminal Minds

Watch this show! It is really good. Marie discovered it a few months ago and now I am totally in to it.

Each episode revolves around a team of FBI profilers who step into cases that local law enforcement need help with. They study the crimes and build a profile on the criminal to aid in solving the crime.

In Canada we get two chances to watch it, Tuesday @ 8pm on CTV and Wed @ 9pm on CBS.

The acting is superb and the mix of caracters is quirky and bang on. It reminds me of when I first dicovered CSI.

Friday, January 06, 2006 

Awesome Canada

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 

End of Holiday Season

As we approach the end of the holiday season, today I found my self saying to Marie, when does school start?

I guess that means I am ready for it to end. I has been a great one, we visited many friends and family and had quite a few guests ourselves. The Kids have had a great one as they were spoiled by the grandparents, uncles and aunts as usual.

This year I managed to arrange a full two weeks with the family so that has been great!

I also googled a friend I haven't been in touch with in 20 years and we made contact. More on that in a later post.

Now it is time to get busy again as we try to make 2006 a great year.

I hope you can too!

Monday, January 02, 2006 

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl
Originally uploaded by Jason Hightower.
Beautiful photo found on Flickr